Fallbrook is not fireproof — let’s make it fire safe!

Wildfire Evacuation Checklist

Have an evacuation plan:
  1. Familiarize yourself with the potential evacuation routes from your home (from Fallbrook for example)
    • North – either DeLuz Rd to Temecula or E. Mission to I-15N
    • South – S. Mission Rd. or Olive Hill Rd. to Hwy 76
    • East – E. Mission Rd. or Reche Rd. to I-15
    • West – Ammunition Rd. thru Naval Weapons Station/ Camp Pendleton
  2. Have a rendezvous point to meet family members and others
Make a “To Go” Kit – the “Eight P’s”:
  1. People & Pets
    • Medical Apparatuses, sanitizers, mask, etc.
    • Extra food and meds for pets
  2. Papers, Phone numbers, documents
  3. Prescriptions, vitamins, eyeglasses
  4. Pictures & irreplaceable memorabilia
  5. Personal computers (information on hard drive)
  6. “Plastic”, i.e.  credit cards, ATM cards, health provider cards and cash
  7. Personal & comfort items, i.e.  extra clothing, toiletries, pillows/bedding, etc.
  8. Provisions, i.e.  food, snacks, water, etc.
Prepare your Home:
  1. Inside:
    • Shut all windows and doors
    • Lock exterior doors
    • Leave your lights on so firefighters can see your house under smokey conditions
    • IF YOU HAVE TIME CONSIDER: Shut off gas at meter, turn pilot lights off. Shut off air conditioner
  2. Outside:
    • Gather up flammable items and bring them inside the house of garage, i.e trash cans, patio furniture, garden hoses, etc.
    • DON’T leave water on or running
    • Turn off propane tanks
    • Walk around the house to double check all of the above
    • TIME PERMITTING, use fire-resistant materials (plywood) to cover up vulnerable areas on house, i.e. windows, vents, doggie doors, etc.
  1. Don’t wait to be told to leave, LEAVE EARLY — Leaving early makes it safer for you, your property and First Responders
  2. Egress AWAY from fire
  3. Follow evacuation enforcement agency’s directives

The Sheriff will use the Hi-Lo siren if there’s an evacuation. If you hear the Hi-Lo siren then it’s time to leave. The Hi-Lo sounds like this:


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